First Aid Policy
Wakefield Pupil Referral Units
Sharing values, celebrating differences, embracing success.
To enable all our learners to achieve personal success by becoming productive, resilient, responsible members of society.
First Aid Management Policy
Approved By: |
The IMB |
Version: |
2.0 |
Created on: |
June 2021 |
Amended on: |
February 2023 |
Next review date: |
February 2024 |
Personnel and Training
First Aid Management Flowchart
How to access First Aid
First Aid Response
First Aid Equipment
Medical information
Arrangements for pupils with particular medical conditions
Calling an ambulance
Recording Accidents
Accident Reporting Flowchart (Appendix 1)
Summary of First Aid Management (Appendix 2)
The Springfield Centre seeks to implement this policy through adherence to the procedures set out in the rest of this document.
This document is available to all interested parties on request from the main reception and should be read in conjunction with a range of policies, procedures and other documentation relating to:
Managing Medicines in School
Educational Visits (activities offsite)
Risk assessment
This document was drawn up in conjunction with Guidance from First Aid in Schools, Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings (Department for Education / Department of Health)
The Springfield Centre is fully committed to ensuring that the application of this First Aid, Accident Reporting and Medication policy is non-discriminatory in line with the UK Equality Act (2010).
It is a statutory requirement for an employer to make adequate first aid provision for all employees. At The Springfield Centre it is recognised that the provision should cover all staff, students and visitors (including contractors)
For this reason, all staff must make themselves familiar with:
The location of the First Aid Room (Adjacent to the Pastoral Base - Room 11)
The name and location of First Aiders and First Aid kits
First Aider call-out procedures and how to contact them in an emergency (a copy is available on signage around the Centre)
To ensure appropriate first aid treatment is provided for all users of the Centre with particular reference to students and staff
To have an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements including:
Taking charge when someone is injured or becomes ill;
Looks after the first aid equipment e.g., restocking the first aid box/container
Ensuring that an ambulance or other professional medical help is summoned when appropriate
To make provision for having at least one person qualified in First Aid on site during Centre opening hours and for events and where possible, educational visits organised by the Centre
To provide the proper first aid materials, equipment and facilities at all times, including a suitably stocked first aid box (first aid boxes that are marked with a white cross on a green background
To make sure first aid equipment is clearly labelled and easily accessible
to ensure that all those involved in the provision of First Aid at the Centre treat a casualty, relatives or others involved with care, compassion and courtesy
to provide a first aid room in accordance with the Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999
Personnel and Training
Each First Aider must complete a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) approved training course and hold a valid certificate of competence. This certificate is valid for
3 years: refresher training and retesting is arranged where possible before the certificate expires. Records of First Aiders and their certification dates are kept in the First Aid room and in staff personnel files.
Training is provided by Wakefield Council and gives staff sufficient understanding, confidence and expertise.
Below details the responsibility for first aid at the Centre.
First Aid Management
Staff |
Training |
Site |
Date Completed |
Expiry Date |
Amelia Mann |
Level 3 Paediatric First Aid |
Crofton |
14/06/2021 |
14/06/2024 |
Rebecca Hall |
First-Aid Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Level 3 QA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF) |
Crofton |
14/01/2019 28.3.22 |
14/01/2022 28.3.25 |
Dan Barker |
QA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF) |
Crofton |
28.3.22 |
28.3.25 |
How to access First Aid
The First Aid Room is situated next to the Pastoral Base (Room 11) and has good ambulance access. It complies with the relevant regulations of the Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999.
A qualified First Aider(s) are on the site and on call during the school day and are all issued with radio’s at the beginning of each day.
All users of the Centre will be able to contact a First Aider(s) via the main reception and via radio contact throughout the centre.
A list of qualified First Aiders can be found in the First Aid room, Main Reception, Classrooms, Staffroom and The Pastoral Base (Room 11).
In the event of a student feeling unwell during a lesson, staff should contact reception to request a First Aider.
In the event of student feeling unwell during break or lunch the student should be sent to Pastoral Base for the Pastoral Team to request support. They should NOT be sent to the main reception.
Students should NOT be sent to the First Aid room in any circumstance.
First Aid Response
Once informed of an incident the First Aider will go to the casualty(ies) without delay and provide emergency care.
Secondary aid i.e., ambulance assistance will be sought if necessary.
If parents are unavailable a First Aider or a member of staff will accompany a casualty to hospital.
The casualty’s parent/guardian (or another appropriate adult) will be informed if deemed appropriate by the First Aider.
The decision for a student to be sent home is to be made by the Lead First Aider
All appropriate precautions will be taken by the support staff when cleaning up after an incident involving blood, vomit, etc. Staff must follow basic hygiene procedures and should take precautions to avoid infection. Staff have access to single use disposable gloves and hand washing facilities and must take care when dealing with the spillage of blood, other body fluids or contaminated dressings/equipment, using disposable gloves, disinfectant and appropriate disposal facilities as provided.
First Aid Equipment
All first aid kits are clearly labelled with a white cross on a green background. First aid kits are located in rooms throughout the Centre including Science rooms (including eye wash stations) Construction, Pastoral Base, Food Technology, (including burn kits), Art, Reception, and the First Aid Room.
Supplies of kits are available in Reception for trips during which a kit should always be carried throughout the duration of the trip. They must be signed out for along with any individual student medication required (this will be made available by the Lead First Aider) on the attendance register for that trip. This copy must be left with reception.
First aid kits will be kept sealed until used. Used kits must be returned to the office on return and will be restocked as appropriate. The Lead First Aider will check contents of kits termly and restock as soon as possible after use or expiry. Spare stock is kept in the First Aid room.
First Aid Facilities/Equipment |
Description |
Location |
First Aid Supplies |
First Aid Room |
Student Care Plans |
Report Cards; Red, amber & green posters in Staff Room, First Aid Room and Pastoral Base |
Epi Pens |
First Aid Room |
Medical information
Details of individual students’ emergency telephone contact numbers and important medical history (e.g., asthma, severe allergy, diabetes, epilepsy) are available on the Centre Management Information System. This information is updated in September each year and as the centre is made aware of new information.
Arrangements for students with particular medical conditions
Where students have important medical conditions, (such as asthma, severe allergy, diabetes, epilepsy), a medical care plan is produced and detailed on Integris. Staff are informed, and training or guidance is provided. Hard copies are also retained in the First Aid Room. All appropriate staff receive regular training from the School Nursing Service on the appropriate use of epi-pens and rescue medication.
Where students need immediate medical care, the following arrangements are followed:
A First Aider is contacted immediately via Reception.
An ambulance is called if adequate care cannot be provided by personnel on site (see below).
Calling an ambulance
If in the judgement of the member of staff in attendance there is a serious risk to the injured person, and adequate care cannot be provided by personnel on site, an ambulance should be summoned immediately. The First Aider may make this decision once they have assessed the injury, but any other member of staff may make this judgement if the First Aider is not present.
Recording Accidents
A record of any first aid treatment given by first aiders and appointed persons is to be kept.
The First Aiders are also responsible for recording details of all treatments onto the documentation provided by the Centre. Confidential records are kept of First Aid treatment given by First Aiders for any incidents. The following details must be recorded:
Date, time, place of incident
Name of injured
Details of injury/illness
What first aid was given
Outcome (e.g., went home, resumed normal duties, went to hospital)
Name of First Aider
These paper records will be entered on the school’s database daily and filed. Records are kept for a period of three years from the incident/treatment.
The Centre will observe the statutory requirement for schools to report to the HSE accidents under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 1995)
Staff are responsible for ensuring where appropriate that the School’s Accident Report form is completed.
All accidents are reported to the Business Manager immediately for a full investigation.
Every term the Business Manager analyses all student, visitor and staff accidents inputting them onto a spreadsheet and investigating any trends with the Senior Leadership Team. These are reported on at the health and safety meetings and a copy provided at Interim Management Board meetings.
Student Injury/ Accident
Did this happen in a lesson
or because of defective equipment/
premises or lack of supervision?
Administer First Aid Administer First Aid
(Record on form) (Record on form)
Start an Accident Form
Email sent to Business Manager
Business Manager assesses for further investigation and whether RIDDOR reportable
First Aid Management |
The First Aid Room is situated next to the Pastoral Base (Room 11) and has good ambulance access. It complies with the relevant regulations of the Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999.
A qualified First Aider(s) are on the site and on call during the school day.
All users of the school will be able to contact the First Aider(s) via the Main Reception.
In the event of a student feeling unwell during a lesson, staff should contact reception for assistance and to request a First Aider.
In the event of student feeling unwell during break or lunch the student should be sent to Pastoral Base (Room 11) for the Pastoral Team to assist. They should NOT be sent to main reception.
Name |
Location Details |
Amelia Mann |
Room 3 |
Rebecca Hall |
Room 11 |
Dan Barker |
Room 6, Sports Hall, Room 14 |
Students should NOT be sent to the fist aid room in any circumstance.
Student Care Plans |
Student Care Plans can be accessed via the INTEGRIS MIS. The Care Plan will be rated as RED, AMBER or GREEN depending on the severity of the student’s condition. Student Care plans are also displayed in the staff room.
Accident Reports |
An Accident Report form should be completed when a student, member of staff or visitor has incurred an injury of any kind. This also applies when out of base on trips or visits etc.
The Accident Report should be completed by member(s) of staff who first witnessed the incident. In some cases, further witness statements may need to be completed by First Aiders. Accident Reports can be found on Integris once completed they will be e-mailed to Amanda Johnson
First Aid Kits |
Location |
Room |
First Aid Room (Cabinet) |
Construction (Cabinet) |
Food Technology |
7 |
Pastoral Base |
11 |
Art |
10 |
Science |
5 |
Hair and Beauty |
3 |
Reception |
Minibus x2 |
Sports Teacher |
Hall or School Field |
999 Emergency Calls |
In the event of an emergency, present member of staff should dial 999 and remain on the phone as they will need information regarding the patient. Provide the operator with postcode WF4 1LL and let the main office know the location to direct the paramedic/ambulance.
Medical Cabinet |
This is located in the first aid room.
In order for a student to be able to take medication in school, the parent or carer must write a consent note allowing a first aider to supervise with the administration of their child’s medication.